Access. Achieve. Succeed.

Empowering Georgia families to pursue
exceptional educational programs

Introducing the Georgia Promise Scholarship

Signed into law in 2024, through Senate Bill 233, the Georgia Promise Scholarship Program is aimed to empower families to pursue exceptional educational programs through nonpublic schooling, including private school and home study. Should eligible families choose to leave public school (or forgo attending as a new kindergartener) to participate, the Georgia Promise Scholarship will allow families to use funds for private school tuition and fees, required textbooks, tutoring services, curriculum, physician/therapist services, transportation services, and other approved expenses. 

For Families

The Georgia Promise Scholarship student application window is open for the 2025/26 academic year! Families can apply at the link below until April 15, 2025. Priority will not be given based on when the application is completed. Final student priorities will be determined after the application period closes.

Key Program Features


Ensures Georgia students and their families have the flexibility to access educational programs that best meet their needs.


Gives parents more opportunity to influence and customize their child’s educational path, when they decide local public school is not the best fit. 


The Georgia Education Savings Authority (GESA) will ensure a seamless and responsive customer experience to support families, schools, and providers.


GESA will administer the Georgia Promise Scholarship Program including managing program funds and maintaining program integrity, efficiency and sustainability as intended by the Georgia General Assembly.



Students must be currently enrolled in a Georgia public school for two consecutive semesters or be rising kindergarten students.



The online application portal is open through April 15, 2025. Initial funding will be available on or after July 1, 2025.



Up to $6,500 per student for the first year (2025-2026 academic year). Administrative fee may apply.

How It Works

Families may sign up here for email updates from the Georgia Promise Scholarship Program.

Family FAQs

The Georgia Promise scholarship is an education choice program. The program will provide eligible students with the opportunity to use public funds for non-public education expenses in grades kindergarten through 12th grade. Eligible uses include private school tuition, tutoring services, and other qualified education expenses.
For the first year of the program (the 2025 – 2026 academic year), the scholarship amount is set by law at a maximum of $6,500. The Georgia Education Savings Authority may withhold up to 5 percent of the scholarship proceeds for administrative purposes.
The initial funding of approved student accounts will be on or after July 1, 2025.

Parents will be notified of student participation following the completion of the student application window in early 2025. Additional information on the application timeline and process will be made available as soon as possible.

A student who has been enrolled in a Georgia public school for two consecutive semesters, OR is a rising kindergarten student, AND:

  • Resides in a Georgia public school attendance zone on the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement’s list of the 25% lower performing public schools based on cumulative individual school ratings.

  • Parent has resided in Georgia for 1+ year (with exception of active-duty military) per GESA updated rules and regulations approach.

GESA will verify information and documentation submitted by students or parents when applying for / receiving funds that is necessary to confirm meeting eligibility requirements. This will be done through a platform vendor. 

  • Students whose family income does not exceed 400% of the federal poverty level will receive priority consideration. The Federal Poverty Level used to determine eligibility is defined annually by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.  
  • Students who receive an initial scholarship will receive priority consideration over new applicants to the program in future years. 
The Georgia Education Savings Authority is developing an online application for the 2025-2026 academic year. The application portal is expected to open in early 2025.
Scholarship funds may be used for the following qualified education expenses:
  • Tuition, fees, required textbooks, curriculum, and supplemental materials approved by the Georgia Education Savings Authority 
  • Tutoring services provided by an educator certified by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission 
  • Services from a physician or licensed therapist for occupational, behavioral, physical, or speech-language therapies, and others 
  • Transportation from/to a service provider (up to $500 per year) 
  • Additional expenses authorized by the Georgia Education Savings Authority
The Georgia Education Savings Authority is developing an online platform for families to apply for and make payments to eligible providers and vendors from an individual student’s Georgia Promise Scholarship account.
Up to 50% of unused Promise Scholarship awards in an academic year may carry forward to the following academic year.
Yes, parents must have been a Georgia resident for at least one year, with exceptions for active-duty military.
Students in the program remain eligible to receive funds until returning to a public school or reaching the age of 20. Special education students may stay in the program until age 21.
A student is ineligible for the Georgia Promise Scholarship if they receive the Georgia Special Needs Scholarship.

A student is ineligible for the Georgia Promise Scholarship if they receive a scholarship, tuition grant or other benefit from a student scholarship organization as search term is defined by the Student Scholarship Organizations Act.

No, a student currently enrolled in a public school is ineligible to receive the Georgia Promise Scholarship.

For Private Schools

Private School applications are closed. The next application period will open April 1 to April 30, 2025.

Applications from Private Schools may be Submitted November 20 – December 6, 2024

Available Now

Release of program regulations

Download current program regulations here.

Open on April 1, 2025

Private School Application

The next private school application will be open April 1 - April 30, 2025.

February 14, 2025

Release of public schools list

Eligible school districts that determine student eligibility are released.

By April 15, 2025

Student Application Launch

The Georgia Promise Scholarship student application window is open for the 2025/26 academic year! Families can apply until April 15, 2025.

Beginning of 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

First Payment to Schools

Private schools may receive the first quarterly payments.

Key Dates for Schools

Private schools may sign up here for email updates from the Georgia Promise Scholarship Program.

Private Schools FAQs

To enroll participating students, schools MUST:

  • Be located in Georgia
  • Be accredited (or in the process of becoming
    accredited) by a recognized accrediting agency
  • Demonstrate fiscal soundness by having been in operation for one school year, or by submitting a financial information report
  • Comply with federal antidiscrimination provisions, all health and safety codes applicable to private schools, and any other state laws applicable to private schools
  • Test students on an annual basis and report test results to GESA

No. Participating schools are not required to alter creed, current practices, admission policies, employment policies, or curricula in order to receive account funds as part of the Promise Scholarship Program.

Participating schools are required to annually administer a nationally norm-referenced test approved by GESA or a state-wide assessment only to participating students.

A current list of GESA-approved tests may be found here

Private schools may participate in multiple scholarship programs; however, a student is ineligible for the Georgia Promise Scholarship if they receive the Georgia Special Needs Scholarship or a scholarship, tuition grant or other benefit from a student scholarship organization as search term is defined by the Student Scholarship Organizations Act.

Scholarship funds may be used for the following qualified education expenses: tuition, fees, and required textbooks for eligible core courses at participating private schools; qualifying curriculum and supplemental materials; tutoring services provided by an educator certified by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission; eligible services from a physician or licensed therapist for occupational, behavioral, physical, or speech-language therapies; transportation from/to a service provider (up to $500 per year); other authorized expenses approved by GESA.

By December 1st of each year, the Office of Student Achievement will publish a list of eligible school districts.

The initial funding of approved student accounts will be at the beginning of the 2025-2026 academic year. Funding will be disbursed in quarterly payments thereafter through an online platform.

Parents will be notified of student participation following the completion of the student application window in early 2025.

Students in the program remain eligible to receive funds until returning to a public school, graduating from high school, or reaching the age of 20. Special education students may stay in the program until age 21.

For Service Providers

Applications to become a Service Provider and Marketplace Partner are closed. The next application period will open April 1, 2025.

Guiding Principles

Empower families to pursue exceptional educational programs.

Support families by providing them with the information they need to make decisions.

Create a seamless and responsive customer experience for families, schools, and providers.

Embrace fiscal accountability and transparency to ensure responsible stewardship of public funds.

Maintain the highest standard of integrity to the law and the community.

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